Friday, August 6, 2010


The Mobile Phone Congress from Barcelona, the biggest borough of mobile phone from thee entire world, which takes place every year in the period between 16-19 February, presents the latest mobile phones. More than 1280 of exposits and almost 30 speakers were at this special congress. Among the most expected mobile phones at this Mobile Phone Congress from Barcelona were the ones from Nokia, LG, Samsung and many others.

One of the most intriguing mobile phones presented at this congress was the Nuvifone G60 from Garmin and Asus. Garmin is the global leader of the portable navigation systems and Asus is the leader of portable computers. Nuvifone is an all-in –one device, small which offers all the functions offered by the mobile phone premium including Internet access. This mobile phone will function thanks to the Linux operation system. Among this, there’s also the Hikaru mobile phone from Sony Erickson. This one is considered to be one of the mobile phones with the biggest memory and with one of the most performed foto capacity. This touch screen mobile phone is one of the most attractive terminals from this year.

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